Willing to do

Willingtodo is a website where you can get advice on how to do and step-by-step guidelines related to health and fitness, art, beauty, business, food, sports, gaming, technology travel, fashion, digital marketing, and much more. Whether you are old, Willingtodo is always here for you if you want to learn something new or just need some advice.

These were the stumbling blocks on the website.

Challenges Faced

Willing to do portfolio
Willing to do portfolio
Techniques we used to resolve the issues

Solutions provided in Willing to do portfolio

Willingtodo Portfolio before
Willingtodo Portfolio after


We started our project in Jan 2020  and ended in Nov 2020. We developed the website and ranked it on the first page of search engines. The website appeared on the searches on the first page for many keywords with our SEO. 

In Willing to do portfolio: We increased the organic search traffic from 0 to 1.3k searches per month. The ranked keyword also increased from 0 to 1.5k+. Organic traffic increased by 43% and the website started to rank with 1.5k+ keywords with our SEO. The backlinks were also increasing with time with our SEO.